Whispering a Prayer


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Wed 27 November 2024

20:30 Hour

normaal € 15.50

CJP/Student € 12.50



Whispering a Prayer

The story of Whispering a Prayer centres around 4 dancers who struggle in a world full of imbalance. In our daily reality, people face challenges such as polarisation through political decisions, manipulation through social media, which often leads to a crippling reluctance to take action. With Whispering a Prayer, Zino Schat makes an attempt to heal society again through his art.  

In this performance, the dancers act as individuals under the symbol of Yottsudomoe, a powerful and meaningful Japanese symbol. Yottsudomoe not only embodies the cyclical nature of life in which birth, death and rebirth follow each other in a continuous dance, but also symbolises man's resilience amidst the challenges of our world. It calls for finding harmony, understanding and constructive solutions in a time of imbalance.  

Whispering a Prayer is a performance where sound, movement, and visual art come together, resulting in a multidimensional experience. It aims to interact between the different art forms, with artist Daijiro Hama's visual art acting as a catalyst for self-reflection. His projections create an experience that challenges audiences to reconsider thoughts of conflict to promote a world of understanding and harmony.  

The choice of Korzo and NDT
Since 2013, Korzo and Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) have joined forces in order to support new choreographic talent. Every year they select extraordinary talent to create a full-evening performance that then goes on tour. Zino Schat has been chosen for 2024. Amos Ben-Tal, Joeri Dubbe, Samir Calixto, Marina Mascarell and Antonin Rioche preceded him. 
