Rebirth - Part I. HELL

Rebirth - Part I. HELL

Collectief Het Paradijs

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Wed 23 April 2025

20:30 Hour

normaal € 15.50

CJP/Student € 12.50



Rebirth - Part I. HELL

Forget Rutger Bregman, forget Yuval Noah Harari, and forget all other self-help books for the21st century. Collectief Het Paradijs guides the misanthropic human towards the way up.Where the average self-help guru fails with empty promises and fancy words, we offer realsupport! A theatrical triptych that will change your life forever.

Part I: HELL
- By embracing all evil, suffering, nightmares, and destruction, Collectief HetParadijs hopes to find light again in the disintegration. We stare into the fiery beast calledhumanity and dig through the Earth's crust in search of Hell. We enter the core that begins torot, mold, stink, and decompose, from which a new seed sprouts from the grayest but mostfertile ashes. This raw, visually cinematic performance takes you into the surreal world oflittle devils, purgatory, and epic disasters.

The Rebirth Three-part series 
In all humility, Collectief Het Paradijs will take on the role ofguide in the coming years to provide a beacon for the wandering human. According to theCollective, the 21st-century human is completely lost on issues of good and evil, how to livelife, and how to answer urges. The tripping rebirth triptych will lead you through Rebirth PartI: HELL (2025), followed by Rebirth Part II: HEAVEN (2026), and finally return withdirection for life in Rebirth Part III: EARTH (2027).

About Collectief Het Paradijs
Collectief Het Paradijs creates cinematic raw and absurd theater. Their performances focus onhumanity using a raw, absurdist movement language that highlights the banality of our dailylives. By combining the best elements of cinematic and punk theater, they clash absolutes tocreate layered, confusing, energetic, and simultaneously nuanced work.



Spel & Concept: Ivar Schutte, Vincent van Woerkom en Luuk Weers
Zakelijke leiding: Christiaan Uytdehaage
Productieleiding: Floor Öfner